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AtBash cipher - online encoder / decoder

AtBash cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a AtBash cipher.
The AtBash cipher is a simple monoalphabetic substitution cipher of Hebrew origin that works by replacing the letter lying at a distance of X from the beginning of the alphabet with a letter lying at a distance of X from its end. With our encoder you can both encrypt and decrypt any text.

AtBash cipher - encoder / decoder

Code table


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AtBash cipher

The AtBash cipher (from Hebrew אתבש AtBash) is a simple monoalphabetic substitution cipher of Hebrew origin, which works by replacing the letter lying at a distance of X from the beginning of the alphabet to a letter lying at a distance of X from its end. The first letter of the alphabet is substituted for the last letter of the alphabet, the second for the pass, for the third for the third from the end, etc.

It was probably developed around 500 B.C.

The name of the cipher comes from the way it works. The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Aleph, the second - Beth, the penultimate - Shin, and the last - Taw. The name AtBash means that the first letter of the alphabet (Aleph) is replaced with the last (Taw), and the second (Beth) with the penultimate (Shin).

In order to decrypt the text encrypted with this cipher, it is enough to re-encrypt it.

To make manual operations on this cipher easier, just use the table.

Code table used in our coder:


The Atbash cipher can be implemented as affine cipher, by setting 'a' and 'b' to 26.

More on: Wikipedia - Atbash cipher

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