Calculator for cotangent, arcus cotangent, hyperbolic cotangent and area cotangent.
With the COTANGENT trigonometric function calculator you can calculate the values of any cotangent function. In addition to the response results, the calculator will also plot the selected function. You can choose one of the preset functions, e.g. cotangent, cot2 - cotangent square, arccot - arcus cotangent, coth - hyperbolic cotangent, arcoth - inverse function to coth, you can also enter your own function, e.g. cot(x) * cot(x) * cot(x) for cot3(x), cot(2x), cot(x+3), cot(x^2) etc.
You can use for calculations:
numbers 0-9 , e.g. 123.45. Very large numbers can be written as 2.5E20 for 2.5 * 1020, very small numbers can be written as 3E-10 for 3 * 10-10. The decimal places can contain up to 12 digits because of the decimal point;
you can use (.,) a period or a comma as a decimal separator, e.g. 1.5 or 1,5 ; () [] {} <> e.g. {[(1+x)/(2-x)+1]*3}/(2*x^2), can be used in any amount. Each open parenthesis must be closed. It doesn't matter what kind of brackets you choose; # as a separator for multiple output values, e.g. cot(pow(x#2)); + Plus, e.g. cot(x+1) ; - Minus, e.g. cot(1-x) ; * Times, the multiplication sign can be omitted when it is between a letter and a number e.g. you can write cot(2x) instead of cot(2 * x) but you must not write xcot(x) or cot(ex); /: Division. 1/x or 1:x ; e Euler's number: 2.718281828459; pi π , Pi: 3.1415926535898; pi2 π /2, Pi/2: 1.5707963267949; sq2 square root of 2:1.4142135623731; go the golden ratio ratio: 1.6180339887499; d Feigenbaum constant - delta: 4.6692016091030; ^ or pow A power, e.g. cot(x^2) or cot(pow(x#2)) for cot(x2). The root can be written e.g. x^(1/2) or x^0.5 for the square root of x, for an exponential function like this: ex the notation could be e^x; The root of a negative value can only be written when the numerator of the power is 1 and the denominator is different (eg x^(1/3) ). To calculate the negative value of x for e.g. x^(2/3) , write this function as (x^(1/3))^2 ; sqr The square root of e.g. cot(sqr(x)) is the same as cot(x^(1/2)); exp An exponent, e.g. cot(exp(x)) is the same as cot(e^x); log Natural logarithm, e.g. cot(log(x)) ; log10 Decimal logarithm, e.g. cot(log10(x)) ; logn Base n logarithm, e.g. cot(logn(2#x)) for binary logarithm;
Also use: deg converts a number in radians to the equivalent in degrees, e.g. cot(deg(pi)) rad Convert degrees to number in radians, e.g. cot(rad(180))
To get the result, select the appropriate function or enter your own and in the Values field enter a value or values separated by a space (e.g. 2 5 8 10).
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With this online function graph plotter, you can draw any function. On one graph you can draw any three functions and compare their parameters. You can create graphs for many equations and functions.
Thanks to the mathematical calculator, you can easily calculate the determinant of the matrix, find the complement matrix, the transposed matrix, and the inverse matrix.
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