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ROT13 cipher - online encoder / decoder

ROT13 cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a ROT13 cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.
ROT13 cipher is a simple shift, substitution cipher in which each letter of the plaintext (unencrypted) is replaced by another, 13 positions away from it in the alphabet, while the direction of change must be maintained. Using our encoder you can both encode and decode each text with the ROT13 cipher. By default, the ROT13 cipher does not contain the encryption key (except for the alphabet shift), so select whether you want to use it. You can also use the key generator.

ROT13 cipher - encoder / decoder

Use key:

Alphabet:  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Key:  klmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghij

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ROT13 cipher - encoder / decoder

The ROT13 cipher is a simple shift cipher which works by replacing each letter of the alphabet with the character that follows 13 positions, and is case-insensitive. ROT13 is an example Caesar cipher , developed in Ancient Rome.

In the standard Latin alphabet, ROT13 is its own inverse function, which means that the same algorithm is used to encrypt and decrypt messages: $$ \operatorname {rot13} (\operatorname {rot13} (m))=m $$

The ROT13 encoding is used, for example, in Usenet in situations where when transmitting a message we want it to be unreadable by a person who does not want it. This method is used in cases where information could hurt someone's morality, aesthetic feelings, or when it is advisable to hide the answer to a puzzle, punch line or book.

The encryption algorithm used in the ROT13 code is sometimes a fragment of more complex encryption systems, such as the Vigenère cipher. Currently, the ROT13 cipher, like any technique replacing single letters of the alphabet with other letters, does not offer any communication security.

More on: Wikipedia - ROT13 cipher

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