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Bacon cipher - online encoder / decoder

Bacon cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Bacon cipher.
Bacon cipher is a cipher in which the cipher text contains five-letter strings consisting of the letters a and b. With our encoder you can both encrypt and decrypt any text with a Bacon cipher. Choose an encryption or decryption method. In the standard method, the letter I=J and U=V, while in the second method, each letter has a unique encoding.

Bacon cipher - encoder / decoder

Replace A with B:

Letter:  abcdefgh
Letter:  i-jklmnopq
Letter:  rstu-vwxyz

Have you counted? - like and share

Bacon's cipher

Bacon's cipher is a simple substitution cipher in which the ciphertext consists of five-letter strings consisting of the letters A and B.

Francis Bacon developed this method of hiding one message in another. This is not a real cipher, but just a way to hide secret text from being read directly.

The Bacon cipher is actually a method of steganography (a method of hiding a secret message as opposed to a cipher) developed by Francis Bacon in 1605. The message is hidden in the presentation of the text, not in its body.

There are two versions. The first uses the same code for I and J and for U and V. The second uses different codes for each letter.

Each letter of plaintext is replaced by a group of five letters 'A' or 'B'. This conversion is binary encoding and follows the Bacon cipher alphabet (from the Latin alphabet) as below:

Letter Code Binary
A aaaaa 00000
B aaaab 00001
C aaaba 00010
D aaabb 00011
E aabaa 00100
F aabab 00101
G aabba 00110
H aabbb 00111
I, J abaaa 01000
K abaab 01001
L ababa 01010
M ababb 01011
Letter Code Binary
N abbaa 01100
O abbab 01101
P abbba 01110
Q abbbb 01111
R baaaa 10000
S baaab 10001
T baaba 10010
U, V baabb 10011
W babaa 10100
X babab 10101
Y babba 10110
Z babbb 10111

The second version of the Bacon cipher uses a unique code for each letter. In other words, I , J , U , and V have their own separate code:

Letter Code Binary
A aaaaa 00000
B aaaab 00001
C aaaba 00010
D aaabb 00011
E aabaa 00100
F aabab 00101
G aabba 00110
H aabbb 00111
I abaaa 01000
J abaab 01001
K ababa 01010
L ababb 01011
M abbaa 01100
Letter Code Binary
N abbab 01101
O abbba 01110
P abbbb 01111
Q baaaa 10000
R baaab 10001
S baaba 10010
T baabb 10011
U babaa 10100
V babab 10101
W babba 10110
X babbb 10111
Y bbaaa 11000
Z bbaab 11001

In the original, the author used two different typefaces to hide the true content. Different typeface for A and different for B.

For example, we want to hide the word "MESSAGE" and encode it in some body that will appear to be plain text. By encrypting the word MESSAGE with the Bacon code, we will get ABABBAABAABAAABBAAABAAAAAABBAAABAA . The original secret message (MESSAGE) is 7 characters long, so the encoded version is 7 * 5 = 35 characters. We find a sentence with 35 letters, it could be "In this text is hidden a top secret message". Now we change the typeface. For each B, we will use bold italics and leave A unchanged.

In this text is hidden a top secret message

So our open message in which we encoded the secret text would look like this "In this text is hidden a top secret message".

If I wanted to decrypt the secret information, it would be enough if I would substitute A for each normally written letter, and B for the letter written in bold italics. Put the obtained result into the decoder or check it in the table.

More on: Wikipedia - Bacon's cipher

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