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Daily calorie calculator. How many calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats do we need per day to lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight?

The caloric demand calculator will help you create the right diet. It will answer the question of what is our daily calorie requirement and how much daily do we need to consume carbohydrates, proteins and fats to gain weight or lose weight by a given weight within a certain period of time.
We have a choice of several of the most popular formulas for calculating the basal metabolic rate. As a result, we will also get a seven-day alternating caloric cycle, thanks to which, with long-term diets, we can "cheat" the body by consuming different caloric values a day while maintaining a weekly diet.

Daily calorie calculator. So how much do we need a day to lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight.




Result   calories   kilojoule     keep weight   lose weight   gain weight
Table of the seven-day alternating cycle

Usefull information

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