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Popular calculators online

Solving Systems with Gauss-Jordan Elimination calculator

You can calculate with explanations any system of linear equations, both homogeneous and heterogeneous with any number of unknowns by Gauss-Jordan elimination method. As a result, apart from the solution, you will also receive a complete analysis and a step-by-step calculation.

Fraction calculator - multiplying fractions step by step with explanation

With the Fractions Calculator, you can multiplying any two mixed numbers or proper and improper fractions.
Fractions Calculator will show you the result of operations on fractions step by step and will give you explanations of the operations performed to multiplying fraction. You will learn how to simplify fractions, how to find a common denominator, how to find the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor.

Ideal gas

Using the calculator, you can calculate the pressure, volume, temperature and volume of moles of ideal gas.

Daltons law of partial pressures

Using the calculator you can calculate the partial pressure according to Daltons law.

Fraction calculator - subtracting fractions step by step with explanation

With the Fractions Calculator, you can subtract any two mixed numbers or proper and improper fractions.
Fractions Calculator will show you the result of operations on fractions step by step and will give you explanations of the operations performed to subtracting fractions. You will learn how to simplify fractions, how to find a common denominator, how to find the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor.

How much paint?

Thanks to this calculator, you can easily calculate the cost and the amount of paint needed to paint any room.

Gravitational acceleration

With this calculator you can calculate the gravitational acceleration of a body pulled by another body. The calculator will also help to calculate the distance between the centers of the attracting bodies and the mass of the body producing the gravitational field and attracting the body for which the gravitational acceleration is given.

Quartiles Q1, Q2, Q3 of the interval series

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the lower quartile, middle quartile, and upper quartile of an interval resolution series.

Voltage drop calculator for single-phase and three-phase circuits

With this calculator you will calculate the voltage drops for single-phase and three-phase AC circuits calculated from active power. You will also calculate cable length, conductor diameter, conductor cross-sectional area, phase or line voltage or active power.

Ventilation efficiency calculator in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen

With this calculator, we will find out what ventilation efficiency should have depending on the size, height and type of room, e.g. in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. The ventilation calculator will help us choose the right fan for the selected room, e.g. it will facilitate the selection of the hood for the kitchen.

New calculators

Text analyzer, number of words, number of letters, number of lines

Thanks to the calculator you can calculate the number of letters, the number of words, the number of characters and the number of paragraphs in any text.

Morse code translator, encoder-decoder

With the converter, you can quickly translate any sentence into Morse code and vice versa. You can listen to the translated code, see it thanks to the light signals or, using the phone, feel it through vibration. Morse code is used nowadays mainly in amateur radio, it is also useful in many other areas of life.

Online tool for drawing graphs of any function.

With this online function graph plotter, you can draw any function. On one graph you can draw any three functions and compare their parameters. You can create graphs for many equations and functions.

Spelling words with the phonetic alphabet - converter, translator

Using this translator / converter you can quickly and easily check how to spell each word using the international (and not only) phonetic alphabet.

Trifid cipher - encoder / decoder

Trifid cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Trifid cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Four-square cipher - encoder / decoder

Four-square cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Four-square cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Burrows-Wheeler transform - encoder / decoder

Burrows-Wheeler transform online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Burrows-Wheeler transform.

Vigenère cipher - encoder / decoder

Vigenère cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Vigenère cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Vernam cipher - encoder / decoder

Vernam cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Vernam cipher.

AtBash cipher - encoder / decoder

AtBash cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a AtBash cipher.

Online calculator