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Body fat calculator - a method of measuring skin folds in 7 places.

The Body Fat percentage calculator will help you calculate the amount of fat stored in your body. It uses a method of measuring skin folds in seven different places on the body.
For measurements, you will need a caliper to measure the thickness of the skin folds. If you do not have a body fat caliper, you can use a less accurate fat percentage calculator using measurements with a tape measure. If you have a caliper you can use 3 point fat calculator.

Measurement should be performed at least twice in the same place and the average of the measurements should be entered in the form.

Measurement technique
Body fat calculator - a method of measuring skin folds in 3 places - chest (pectoral) Chest (pectoral)
The skin fold between the nipple and the armpit. You should grab the fold at an angle of about 45 degrees and closer to the armpit, i.e. about 1/3 of the distance between the armpit and the nipple.
Body fat calculator - a method of measuring skin folds in 3 places - belly (abdomen) Belly (abdomen)
The vertical fold should be grasped approximately 2 cm from the navel. If there is a problem with catching the fold vertically, you can measure the horizontal fold.
Body fat calculator - a method of measuring skin folds in 3 places - thigh Thigh (quadriceps)
A vertical fold on the front of the leg about halfway between hip and knee on a slightly bent leg.
Body fat calculator - a method of measuring skin folds in 3 places - triceps Triceps (upper arm, back)
Pinch the vertical skin fold on the back of your outstretched arm, halfway between the elbow and shoulder.
Body fat content calculator - method of measuring skin folds in 3 places - hip Hip (suprailiac or iliac crest)
Pinch a skin fold at an angle of approximately 45 degrees that is approximately 2 cm above the hip bone.
Body fat content calculator - method of measuring skin folds in 3 places - subscapula Subscapula (shoulder blade, lower tip)

Find the lower end of the spatula. Pinch the skin about 2 cm below the tip of the shoulder blade at a 45-degree angle.

Body fat content - a method of measuring skin folds in 7 places



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