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Density, mass and volume calculator

With this calculator you can calculate the density of the substance, i.e. specific mass. The calculator will also help to determine the mass of the substance and the volume it occupies.

Density, mass, volume

Density, mass, volume - information

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Percent concentration - volume

Using this calculator, you can calculate the volume percent concentration, also called the volume percentage of chemicals in mixtures and solutions.

Resistance, length and diameter of wire calculator

With this calculator, you can calculate the resistance of the cable, knowing the material it is made of. You can also calculate the length of the conductor and the conductor diameter or the conductor cross-section area.

Ideal gas

Using the calculator, you can calculate the pressure, volume, temperature and volume of moles of ideal gas.

ROT47 cipher - encoder / decoder

ROT47 cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a ROT47 cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Force, mass and acceleration calculator

With this calculator you can calculate the force, mass and acceleration from Newton's Second Law of Motion.

Storm distance, lightning distance calculator. How far is the storm?

How far is the storm? How close is lightning? Is the storm looming or is it moving away? Surely everyone has asked themselves such questions. That is why we have created a lightning distance calculator with which you can easily check it.

Weight and age on the planets

What would your weight be on other planets? How old would you be on another planet in the solar system? When would you have your birthday? You can check it with this calculator. You can also check what the weight of any item would be. The calculator will convert your weight and age into the weight and age you would have if you lived on Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto.

Online calculator