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Popular calculators

Time value of money (TVM) - present (PV) and future (FV) - calculator

The calculator helps you to calculate the present value of money (PV) and the future value of money (FV) in time.

How to convert dog age to human age? Dog age calculator

How to convert a dog's age to human age? How old is a dog in human years? How long will my dog live? Dog Age Calculator will help you with these and many other questions.

Solving Systems with Gaussian Elimination calculator

You can calculate with explanations any system of linear equations, both homogeneous and heterogeneous with any number of unknowns by Gaussian elimination method. As a result, apart from the solution, you will also receive a complete analysis and a step-by-step calculation.

Price, discount and discount rate of a treasury bill

This financial calculator will help you calculate the purchase or sale price of Treasury bills, the amount and the annual discount rate.

Rail Fence, Zig-Zag - encoder / decoder

Rail Fence, Zig-Zag cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Rail Fence, Zig-Zag cipher.

Laplace expansion, determinant of 4x4 matrix - calculator

With the help of the calculator you will calculate the determinant of the fourth degree matrix by the Laplace Expansion method. You will learn step by step how the calculations are performed and we will get explanations of each action. A useful tool for learning, consolidating, checking your own calculations and understanding the Laplace method.

Voltage drop calculator for single-phase and three-phase circuits

With this calculator you will calculate the voltage drops for single-phase and three-phase AC circuits calculated from active power. You will also calculate cable length, conductor diameter, conductor cross-sectional area, phase or line voltage or active power.

Sight Test - Ishihara Charts - Color Blindness calculator

Use the Ishihara test to check if you suffer from color blindness, to what extent your defect is Protanopia or Deuteranopia, or maybe just insufficient differentiation between red and green shades. As a result, in addition to the diagnosis, you will have the opportunity to check how each of the Ishihara plates is seen by people with various visual impairments, and if you have a defect, they will allow you to see what is on the plates.

Addition in columns

With this calculator you will learn how to add in columns. You can check if the addition you have made is correct

Burning calories

The calculator calculates how much energy we spend by performing selected activities within the given time. This can help you plan your daily calories burned for example.

Mean square, arithmetic mean of the squares, power mean of second order

With this calculator you will calculate the mean square or arithmetic mean of the squares also known as the power mean of the second order.

Floor panels and materials calculator

Flooring Calculator is a complete tool to calculate the costs and materials needed to lay a wooden floor. Thanks to the calculator, we will find out how many packages of panels, underlay, vapor barrier foil under the panels, skirting boards, connectors, corners and plugs will be needed, as well as the cost of all materials including labor.

Ideal gas

Using the calculator, you can calculate the pressure, volume, temperature and volume of moles of ideal gas.

Solving Systems with Gauss-Jordan Elimination calculator

You can calculate with explanations any system of linear equations, both homogeneous and heterogeneous with any number of unknowns by Gauss-Jordan elimination method. As a result, apart from the solution, you will also receive a complete analysis and a step-by-step calculation.

Daily water requirement

The calculator will calculate how much water you should consume to supplement your daily requirement.

Daily calories burned calculator

Thanks to the calculator, you can easily calculate the amount of calories you burn every day. There are over 600 different activities available, from which you can choose those that were or will be performed on a given day and set the duration for each selected activity.

As a result, the calculator will provide the total duration of all activities, the sum of calories burned and the number of calories consumed for each activity separately, including the time of its execution. The calculator also tells you how many hours you need to constantly perform a given activity to lose weight by about 0.5 kg, taking into account your weight.

Heart attack risk

Thanks to the calculator, you can use several factors to check the degree of risk of a heart attack in the next ten years.

Playing with the recognition of color shades - an eye test.

The calculator is used to test your eyesight and recognize the difference in color shades. After clicking on the first lighter field, the calculator will change colors and the countdown will begin. Each test takes 15 seconds. Search for a lighter field and click on it. Each subsequent test is more difficult. The test will be aborted if you do not give the correct answer within 15 seconds or if you make a wrong choice three times.

Gravitational acceleration

With this calculator you can calculate the gravitational acceleration of a body pulled by another body. The calculator will also help to calculate the distance between the centers of the attracting bodies and the mass of the body producing the gravitational field and attracting the body for which the gravitational acceleration is given.

Percentage Calculator

using a percentage calculator, you can calculate in a simple and quick way sums, differences, products and percentages .

Online calculator