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Popular calculators

Future value of investment (FV) - calculator

The FV calculator helps us calculate the future value of the investment. The FV calculator calculates the amount we will receive in the future after validating a given amount now for a specified number of years and after calculating the interest due, assuming that they will be capitalized (added to the capital) with a given frequency (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually) .

Body fat content - a method of measuring skin folds in 7 places

The Body Fat percentage calculator will help you calculate the amount of fat stored in your body. It uses a method of measuring skin folds in seven different places on the body.

Child's blood group

You will calculate with fairly high accuracy the likelihood of your baby having a particular blood group.

Triangle calculator -height, area, perimeter, sides

Triangle calculator will help you calculate the area, perimeter, sides, height, angles of any triangle, right triangle and equilateral.

How to convert cat age to human age? Cat age calculator

How to convert cat's age into human's age? How old is a cat in human years? How long does a cat live? Cat Age Calculator can help you with these and other questions. By giving the cat's age, we will find out how old he would be if he were a human. We can also check what age a cat would be at our age.

Weighted arithmetic mean calculator

With this calculator you will calculate the weighted arithmetic mean.

ADFGX / ADFVGX cipher - encoder / decoder

ADFGX cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a ADFVGX cipher.

Daltons law of partial volume

Thanks to the calculator, you can calculate the partial volume according to Daltons law.

Rectangle - diagonals, area, perimeter, sides

Rectangle calculator will help you calculate the diagonal of the rectangle, the side length, height, area of the rectangle.

Quadratic function - analysis

With this calculator you will perform a complete analysis of the quadratic function with explanations. The calculator will determine the zero points of the function, the coordinates of its vertex, calculate the delta and present the product and the canonical form of our function. R

Leverage, Operating Leverage, Total Leverage, Gearing

The DFL Finacial Leverage Calculator will help us calculate how sensitive the cash flow is to changes in operating profit.
With the DOL Operating Leverage Calculator, we will calculate how sensitive operating revenues are to changes in sales. The DTL Total Leverage Calculator will help us calculate the profit sensitivity to sales growth.

Daily calories burned calculator

Thanks to the calculator, you can easily calculate the amount of calories you burn every day. There are over 600 different activities available, from which you can choose those that were or will be performed on a given day and set the duration for each selected activity.

As a result, the calculator will provide the total duration of all activities, the sum of calories burned and the number of calories consumed for each activity separately, including the time of its execution. The calculator also tells you how many hours you need to constantly perform a given activity to lose weight by about 0.5 kg, taking into account your weight.

Centrifugal force

With this calculator you can quickly calculate the centrifugal force. You will also calculate the mass of the body from velocity, radius and force, the radius of the circle given the mass of the body, the force and speed and the speed of the object moving in the circle given the given force, mass and radius.

Quartiles Q1, Q2, Q3 of the interval series

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the lower quartile, middle quartile, and upper quartile of an interval resolution series.

Arithmetic mean of the distribution point series (grouped data)

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the arithmetic mean of a distribution point series (grouped data).

Kinetic energy calculator

With this calculator you can quickly calculate the kinetic energy of an object. You will also calculate mass from energy and velocity and speed given kinetic energy and mass.

CAPM (capital asset pricing model) SML (security market line) form - valuation of capital assets

The CAPM calculator can be used to calculate the cost of equity, to evaluate the investment effectiveness of collective investment funds (open-end investment funds, pension funds, etc.), to study the efficiency of the stock market, etc.
The CAPM calculator in the form of SML allows you to calculate the expected rate of return on all portfolios, not only effective ones, as well as individual stock market shares.

Life expectancy and actual age by health - calculator

The life expectancy and health age calculator will let you know your life expectancy. First of all, it will make you aware of what factors affect your life expectancy and your real age according to your health.

Harmonic mean calculator

With this calculator you will calculate the harmonic mean.

Brinell hardness scale

With this calculator you can calculate the HB hardness or the hardness of metals based on the Brinell hardness test.

Online calculator