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Popular calculators

Arithmetic mean of the distribution point series (grouped data)

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the arithmetic mean of a distribution point series (grouped data).

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) calculator

Using the calculator, you will calculate the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and the amount of calories needed to supplement, i.e. burned by the body while resting.

Median, Mode, Arithmetic mean

The online calculator calculates the median called the median value or the average value, the most common numbers in the given set, i.e. the mode, by examining whether it exists, the arithmetic mean and sorts the data in ascending order.

AtBash cipher - encoder / decoder

AtBash cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a AtBash cipher.

Molecular weight of compounds and chemical elements.

Using the calculator you can calculate the molecular weight of any chemical compound.

Rail Fence, Zig-Zag - encoder / decoder

Rail Fence, Zig-Zag cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Rail Fence, Zig-Zag cipher.

Plaster quantity calculator

Thanks to this calculator, you can calculate how many bags we need and what weight of plaster will be needed to plaster the wall depending on its type and thickness of the applied layer.

ROT47 cipher - encoder / decoder

ROT47 cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a ROT47 cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

ROT13 cipher - encoder / decoder

ROT13 cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a ROT13 cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Median of the interval distributive series

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the median of an interval distributive series from grouped data.

Langevin function calculator

With the Langevin trigonometric function calculator you can calculate the values of the function. In addition to the response results, the calculator will also plot the selected function. You can choose a ready function, e.g. L(x) or enter your own function, e.g. L(x^2), L(x+3) etc.

Child height in the future. Predicted Adult Height calculator

Height calculator will help you calculate what height your child will have in the future, ie when it stops growing. Predicted Adult Height

Centripetal force

With this calculator you can quickly calculate the centripetal force. You will also calculate the mass of the body from velocity, radius and force, the radius of the circle given the mass of the body, the force and speed and the speed of the object moving in the circle given the given force, mass and radius.

Assessment of readiness to lose weight

Did you know that proper preparation is an essential factor in losing weight successfully? This test will not only help you answer the question of whether you have a chance of successful weight loss, but it will also indicate the factors that are necessary in preparation for this process.

Present value of investment (PV) - calculator

The PV calculator helps us to calculate the current value of an investment, i.e. the PV (present value). The PV calculator calculates the amount we need today to obtain the given value in the future after a certain number of years and calculating the interest due, assuming that they will be capitalized (added to the capital) with the specified frequency (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually) ie how much do you need today to get X in the future

How many wallpapers?

With this calculator, you can easily calculate the cost and amount of wallpaper needed to make any room.

Isosceles trapezoid - diagonals, height, area, perimeter, sides

Isosceles trapezoid calculator will help you calculate diagonal of the isosceles, the side length, height, area, perimeter and the radius of the circumscribed circle of the isosceles.

Average absolute deviation, or mean absolute deviation (MAD)

With this calculator you will calculate the average absolute deviation, or mean absolute deviation (MAD), of a data set is the average of the absolute deviations from a central point.

Bacon cipher - encoder / decoder

Bacon cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Bacon cipher.

Affine cipher - encoder / decoder

Affine cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Affine cipher.

Online calculator