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Popular calculators

Molecular weight of gas

Use this calculator to calculate the molecular weight of gas.

Storm distance, lightning distance calculator. How far is the storm?

How far is the storm? How close is lightning? Is the storm looming or is it moving away? Surely everyone has asked themselves such questions. That is why we have created a lightning distance calculator with which you can easily check it.

Calculator of reactive power from voltage and current

The reactive power calculator in AC circuits will help you easily calculate reactive power, voltage and current.

Percentile, Centile - calculator with explanation

With the percentile calculator you will calculate the percentile position and find the value. Percentile or centile is a measure in statistics that indicates a value for which P Percentage of the Population is equal to or less than that value and 100-P is greater.

Apparent temperature calculator

Use this calculator to calculate the "wind chill" temperature or apparent temperature, i.e. the temperature equivalent to humans, caused by the combined effects of air temperature and wind speed

Burrows-Wheeler transform - encoder / decoder

Burrows-Wheeler transform online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Burrows-Wheeler transform.

Quadratic function - canonical form - analysis

With this calculator you can perform a complete canonical form analysis of the quadratic function with explanations. The calculator will show you how to find the general form of a quadratic function from its canonical form. Moreover, it will determine the zeros of the function, its vertex coordinates, calculate the delta and present the product and general form of our function.

Fraction calculator - adding fractions step by step with explanation

With the Fractions Calculator, you can add any two mixed numbers or proper and improper fractions.
Fractions Calculator will show you the result of operations on fractions step by step and will give you explanations of the operations performed to add fractions. You will learn how to simplify fractions, how to find a common denominator, how to find the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor.

Gudermannian function - hyperbolic amplitude

With the GUDERMANN trigonometric function calculator you can calculate the values of the hyperbolic amplitude. In addition to the response results, the calculator will also plot the selected function. You can choose a ready-made function, e.g. gd(x) or arcgd(x) as the inverse of the Gudermann function, or enter your own function, e.g. gd(x^2), gd(x+3), etc.

Assessment of readiness to lose weight

Did you know that proper preparation is an essential factor in losing weight successfully? This test will not only help you answer the question of whether you have a chance of successful weight loss, but it will also indicate the factors that are necessary in preparation for this process.

Density, mass, volume

With this calculator you can calculate the density of the substance, i.e. specific mass. The calculator will also help to determine the mass of the substance and the volume it occupies.

Floor panels and materials calculator

Flooring Calculator is a complete tool to calculate the costs and materials needed to lay a wooden floor. Thanks to the calculator, we will find out how many packages of panels, underlay, vapor barrier foil under the panels, skirting boards, connectors, corners and plugs will be needed, as well as the cost of all materials including labor.

Square - geometric figure

Thanks to the calculator, you can easily calculate the area of a square, the side of the square, the diagonal of the square, the radius of the circle inscribed and described on the square.

Molar concentration

Using this calculator you can calculate the molar concentration of the solution, ie the number of moles of a given chemical substance that contains 1 liter of solution.

Trapezium - diagonals, area, perimeter, sides

Trapezium (trapezoid) calculator will help you calculate the long diagonal of the trapezium, the short diagonal of the trapezium, the side length, height, area and perimeter of the trapezium.

Mode of the series of distributing class intervals

Online calculator calculates the mode of series of distributing class intervals. You learn how to find the Modal value for a grouped data with different intervals between the data classes.

Matrix 3x3 calculator

Thanks to the 3x3 matrix math calculator, you can easily calculate the determinant of the matrix 3x3, find the complement 3x3 matrix, transpose 3x3 matrix, inverse 3x3 matrix.

Four-square cipher - encoder / decoder

Four-square cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Four-square cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Waist-hip ratio (WHR) calculator

The WHR calculator calculates the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference.
Thanks to the Talia-Hips calculator, we will find out what type of obesity we have, what is the risk of hypertension, coronary diseases, stroke, atherosclerosis and diabetes, and we will learn the average standard WHR for our gender and age.

Bicycle tire pressure calculator

With this calculator, you will calculate the exact tire pressure required for your bicycle tires on the front and rear wheels depending on the load, wheel size, bicycle weight, etc.

Online calculator