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Popular calculators

Life expectancy and actual age by health - calculator

The life expectancy and health age calculator will let you know your life expectancy. First of all, it will make you aware of what factors affect your life expectancy and your real age according to your health.

Quadratic function - canonical form - analysis

With this calculator you can perform a complete canonical form analysis of the quadratic function with explanations. The calculator will show you how to find the general form of a quadratic function from its canonical form. Moreover, it will determine the zeros of the function, its vertex coordinates, calculate the delta and present the product and general form of our function.

Laplace expansion, determinant of 4x4 matrix - calculator

With the help of the calculator you will calculate the determinant of the fourth degree matrix by the Laplace Expansion method. You will learn step by step how the calculations are performed and we will get explanations of each action. A useful tool for learning, consolidating, checking your own calculations and understanding the Laplace method.

Timer 555 Monostable, Astable - Output pulse duration calculator

Using this calculator, you will calculate the pulse duration of the output pulse of the NE555 IC in monostable or astable mode of operation.

Daily water requirement

The calculator will calculate how much water you should consume to supplement your daily requirement.

How to convert cat age to human age? Cat age calculator

How to convert cat's age into human's age? How old is a cat in human years? How long does a cat live? Cat Age Calculator can help you with these and other questions. By giving the cat's age, we will find out how old he would be if he were a human. We can also check what age a cat would be at our age.

Percentile, Centile - calculator with explanation

With the percentile calculator you will calculate the percentile position and find the value. Percentile or centile is a measure in statistics that indicates a value for which P Percentage of the Population is equal to or less than that value and 100-P is greater.

Vigenère cipher - encoder / decoder

Vigenère cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Vigenère cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Solving Systems with Gaussian Elimination calculator

You can calculate with explanations any system of linear equations, both homogeneous and heterogeneous with any number of unknowns by Gaussian elimination method. As a result, apart from the solution, you will also receive a complete analysis and a step-by-step calculation.

Median, Mode, Arithmetic mean

The online calculator calculates the median called the median value or the average value, the most common numbers in the given set, i.e. the mode, by examining whether it exists, the arithmetic mean and sorts the data in ascending order.

Number of breaths and heartbeats - calculator

The calculator will calculate the estimated number of heartbeats and breaths you have given since birth.

Arithmetic mean of the distribution point series (grouped data)

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the arithmetic mean of a distribution point series (grouped data).

Time value of money (TVM) - present (PV) and future (FV) - calculator

The calculator helps you to calculate the present value of money (PV) and the future value of money (FV) in time.

HUBBERT curve calculator

With the Hubbert Curve Calculator you will calculate the curve values. In addition to the response results, the calculator will also plot the selected function. You can choose a ready-made function, e.g. hubb(x) or enter your own function, e.g. hubb(x^2), hubb(x+3), etc.

Quadratic function - product form - analysis

With this calculator you can perform a complete product form analysis of the quadratic function with explanations. The calculator will show you how to find the general form of a quadratic function from its product form. Moreover, it will determine the zeros of the function, its vertex coordinates, calculate the delta and present the canonical and general form of our function.

Amount of concrete needed for the foundation or ceiling

Calculator of the amount of concrete needed to build a foundation slab or a concrete ceiling.

Waist-hip ratio (WHR) calculator

The WHR calculator calculates the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference.
Thanks to the Talia-Hips calculator, we will find out what type of obesity we have, what is the risk of hypertension, coronary diseases, stroke, atherosclerosis and diabetes, and we will learn the average standard WHR for our gender and age.

Matrix 3x3 calculator

Thanks to the 3x3 matrix math calculator, you can easily calculate the determinant of the matrix 3x3, find the complement 3x3 matrix, transpose 3x3 matrix, inverse 3x3 matrix.

Bicycle tire pressure calculator

With this calculator, you will calculate the exact tire pressure required for your bicycle tires on the front and rear wheels depending on the load, wheel size, bicycle weight, etc.

Heart attack risk

Thanks to the calculator, you can use several factors to check the degree of risk of a heart attack in the next ten years.

Online calculator