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Popular calculators

Burrows-Wheeler transform - encoder / decoder

Burrows-Wheeler transform online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Burrows-Wheeler transform.

Fraction calculator - dividing fractions step by step with explanation

With the Fractions Calculator, you can dividing any two mixed numbers or proper and improper fractions.
Fractions Calculator will show you the result of operations on fractions step by step and will give you explanations of the operations performed to divide fractions. You will learn how to simplify fractions, how to find a common denominator, how to find the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor.

Quadratic function - product form - analysis

With this calculator you can perform a complete product form analysis of the quadratic function with explanations. The calculator will show you how to find the general form of a quadratic function from its product form. Moreover, it will determine the zeros of the function, its vertex coordinates, calculate the delta and present the canonical and general form of our function.

Voltage drop calculator from current for single-phase and three-phase circuits

With this calculator you can calculate voltage drops for single-phase and three-phase AC circuits calculated from the rated current. You will also calculate wire length, wire diameter, wire cross-sectional area, voltage or current.

Matrix 3x3 calculator

Thanks to the 3x3 matrix math calculator, you can easily calculate the determinant of the matrix 3x3, find the complement 3x3 matrix, transpose 3x3 matrix, inverse 3x3 matrix.

Calculator of reactive power from voltage and current

The reactive power calculator in AC circuits will help you easily calculate reactive power, voltage and current.

Text analyzer, number of words, number of letters, number of lines

Thanks to the calculator you can calculate the number of letters, the number of words, the number of characters and the number of paragraphs in any text.

Gravitational acceleration

With this calculator you can calculate the gravitational acceleration of a body pulled by another body. The calculator will also help to calculate the distance between the centers of the attracting bodies and the mass of the body producing the gravitational field and attracting the body for which the gravitational acceleration is given.

Kinetic energy calculator

With this calculator you can quickly calculate the kinetic energy of an object. You will also calculate mass from energy and velocity and speed given kinetic energy and mass.

Life expectancy and actual age by health - calculator

The life expectancy and health age calculator will let you know your life expectancy. First of all, it will make you aware of what factors affect your life expectancy and your real age according to your health.

Time value of money (TVM) - present (PV) and future (FV) - calculator

The calculator helps you to calculate the present value of money (PV) and the future value of money (FV) in time.

ADFGX / ADFVGX cipher - encoder / decoder

ADFGX cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a ADFVGX cipher.

Equivalent weight of acid

Using this calculator you can calculate the weight equivalent of acid.

Ventilation in the attic/loft

The calculator is used to calculate the ventilation capacity in an attic or loft for the minimum, normal and extreme thermal conditions of the environment depending on the area and height of the room and the roof pitch. The fan removes warm air from the room and should be mounted at the highest possible point for the best efficiency.

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) calculator

Using the calculator, you will calculate the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and the amount of calories needed to supplement, i.e. burned by the body while resting.

Apparent temperature calculator

Use this calculator to calculate the "wind chill" temperature or apparent temperature, i.e. the temperature equivalent to humans, caused by the combined effects of air temperature and wind speed

Molecular weight of compounds and chemical elements.

Using the calculator you can calculate the molecular weight of any chemical compound.

Gudermannian function - hyperbolic amplitude

With the GUDERMANN trigonometric function calculator you can calculate the values of the hyperbolic amplitude. In addition to the response results, the calculator will also plot the selected function. You can choose a ready-made function, e.g. gd(x) or arcgd(x) as the inverse of the Gudermann function, or enter your own function, e.g. gd(x^2), gd(x+3), etc.

Am I going bald? When will I go bald?

Are your hair falling out, are you starting to go bald? Use this calculator and check the probability and age at which you may be at risk of total hair loss.

Geometric mean calculator

With this calculator you will calculate the geometric mean, also called the power mean of the zero order.

Online calculator