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Popular calculators

Average absolute deviation, or mean absolute deviation (MAD)

With this calculator you will calculate the average absolute deviation, or mean absolute deviation (MAD), of a data set is the average of the absolute deviations from a central point.

Arithmetic mean of the distribution point series (grouped data)

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the arithmetic mean of a distribution point series (grouped data).

Amount of concrete needed for the foundation or ceiling

Calculator of the amount of concrete needed to build a foundation slab or a concrete ceiling.

Dilution of solutions

Using this calculator, you can calculate the total volume of the solution after dilution and the volume of solvent added during dilution.

Geometric sequence calculator

Easily and quickly calculate the sum of the geometric sequence, you will determine the value of the nth term.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) - calculator

Using the calculator, you will calculate the basic metabolic rate (BMR-basal metabolic rate) and the amount of calories needed to supplement, i.e. burned by the body on an empty stomach (in the morning, without a meal), in physical and mental peace.

How to convert dog age to human age? Dog age calculator

How to convert a dog's age to human age? How old is a dog in human years? How long will my dog live? Dog Age Calculator will help you with these and many other questions.

Caesar cipher - encoder / decoder

Caesar cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Caesar cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Interest coverage ratio - calculator

The calculator is used to calculate the coverage of bills by profit before paying off the tax bill.

Harmonic mean calculator

With this calculator you will calculate the harmonic mean.

Percentile, Centile - calculator with explanation

With the percentile calculator you will calculate the percentile position and find the value. Percentile or centile is a measure in statistics that indicates a value for which P Percentage of the Population is equal to or less than that value and 100-P is greater.

Hexagon - diagonals, area, perimeter, sides

Hexagon calculator will help you calculate the long diagonal of the hexagon, the short diagonal of the hexagon, the side length, height, area of the hexagon, the radius of the circumscribed circle and the radius of the circle inscribed in a regular hexagon.

Deltoid, kite concave, dart, arrowhead - diagonals, area, perimeter, sides

Calculate the diagonals of a concave deltoid, kite, side lengths, surface area, perimeter and radius of the inscribed circle. Each size can be calculated using many formulas, just indicate what data we have.

Isosceles trapezoid - diagonals, height, area, perimeter, sides

Isosceles trapezoid calculator will help you calculate diagonal of the isosceles, the side length, height, area, perimeter and the radius of the circumscribed circle of the isosceles.

Storm distance, lightning distance calculator. How far is the storm?

How far is the storm? How close is lightning? Is the storm looming or is it moving away? Surely everyone has asked themselves such questions. That is why we have created a lightning distance calculator with which you can easily check it.

Arithmetic sequence calculator

You can easily and quickly calculate the sum of an arithmetic sequence, calculate the value and the difference of an arithmetic sequence or find the nth expression.

Daily calorie calculator. So how much do we need a day to lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight.

The caloric demand calculator will help you create the right diet. It will answer the question of what is our daily calorie requirement and how much daily do we need to consume carbohydrates, proteins and fats to gain weight or lose weight by a given weight within a certain period of time.
We have a choice of several of the most popular formulas for calculating the basal metabolic rate. As a result, we will also get a seven-day alternating caloric cycle, thanks to which, with long-term diets, we can "cheat" the body by consuming different caloric values a day while maintaining a weekly diet.

Langevin function calculator

With the Langevin trigonometric function calculator you can calculate the values of the function. In addition to the response results, the calculator will also plot the selected function. You can choose a ready function, e.g. L(x) or enter your own function, e.g. L(x^2), L(x+3) etc.

Trifid cipher - encoder / decoder

Trifid cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Trifid cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Median of the interval distributive series

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the median of an interval distributive series from grouped data.

Online calculator