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Popular calculators

Rectangle - diagonals, area, perimeter, sides

Rectangle calculator will help you calculate the diagonal of the rectangle, the side length, height, area of the rectangle.

Percentile, Centile - calculator with explanation

With the percentile calculator you will calculate the percentile position and find the value. Percentile or centile is a measure in statistics that indicates a value for which P Percentage of the Population is equal to or less than that value and 100-P is greater.

Plaster quantity calculator

Thanks to this calculator, you can calculate how many bags we need and what weight of plaster will be needed to plaster the wall depending on its type and thickness of the applied layer.

Isosceles trapezoid - diagonals, height, area, perimeter, sides

Isosceles trapezoid calculator will help you calculate diagonal of the isosceles, the side length, height, area, perimeter and the radius of the circumscribed circle of the isosceles.

How to convert dog age to human age? Dog age calculator

How to convert a dog's age to human age? How old is a dog in human years? How long will my dog live? Dog Age Calculator will help you with these and many other questions.

Triangle calculator -height, area, perimeter, sides

Triangle calculator will help you calculate the area, perimeter, sides, height, angles of any triangle, right triangle and equilateral.

Text analyzer, number of words, number of letters, number of lines

Thanks to the calculator you can calculate the number of letters, the number of words, the number of characters and the number of paragraphs in any text.

How much paint?

Thanks to this calculator, you can easily calculate the cost and the amount of paint needed to paint any room.

Percent concentration - weight

Using this calculator you can calculate the percentage concentration, also called the percentage by weight of chemical substances in mixtures and solutions.

Body fat content - a method of measuring skin folds in 7 places

The Body Fat percentage calculator will help you calculate the amount of fat stored in your body. It uses a method of measuring skin folds in seven different places on the body.

Solving any Systems with the inverse matrix method

You can calculate any system of linear equations, both homogeneous and heterogeneous with any number of unknowns Using the Inverse of a Matrix method.

Present value of investment (PV) - calculator

The PV calculator helps us to calculate the current value of an investment, i.e. the PV (present value). The PV calculator calculates the amount we need today to obtain the given value in the future after a certain number of years and calculating the interest due, assuming that they will be capitalized (added to the capital) with the specified frequency (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually) ie how much do you need today to get X in the future

Centripetal force

With this calculator you can quickly calculate the centripetal force. You will also calculate the mass of the body from velocity, radius and force, the radius of the circle given the mass of the body, the force and speed and the speed of the object moving in the circle given the given force, mass and radius.

Kinetic energy calculator

With this calculator you can quickly calculate the kinetic energy of an object. You will also calculate mass from energy and velocity and speed given kinetic energy and mass.

Linear Regression - calculator with explanation

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate a linear regression step by step.

CATENARY Calculator - Chain curve

With the CATENARY Trigonometric Function Calculator, you can calculate catenary chain curve values. In addition to the response results, the calculator will also plot the selected function. You can choose a ready-made function, e.g. cat(?#X) where for ? you will substitute e.g. 2 for catenary two which will be equal to 2*cosh(x/2) or enter your own function e.g. cat(2#x^2) for 2*cosh((x^2)/2), cat(2#x+3) for 2*cosh((x+3)/2) etc.

Vernam cipher - encoder / decoder

Vernam cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Vernam cipher.

Force, mass and acceleration calculator

With this calculator you can calculate the force, mass and acceleration from Newton's Second Law of Motion.

Vigenère cipher - encoder / decoder

Vigenère cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Vigenère cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Quadratic function - analysis

With this calculator you will perform a complete analysis of the quadratic function with explanations. The calculator will determine the zero points of the function, the coordinates of its vertex, calculate the delta and present the product and the canonical form of our function. R

Online calculator