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Popular calculators

Matrix 3x3 calculator

Thanks to the 3x3 matrix math calculator, you can easily calculate the determinant of the matrix 3x3, find the complement 3x3 matrix, transpose 3x3 matrix, inverse 3x3 matrix.

Smoking costs calculator

Calculate how much you spend smoking, so how much you could save after quitting smoking.

Ideal gas

Using the calculator, you can calculate the pressure, volume, temperature and volume of moles of ideal gas.

ADFGX / ADFVGX cipher - encoder / decoder

ADFGX cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a ADFVGX cipher.

Square - geometric figure

Thanks to the calculator, you can easily calculate the area of a square, the side of the square, the diagonal of the square, the radius of the circle inscribed and described on the square.

Burning calories

The calculator calculates how much energy we spend by performing selected activities within the given time. This can help you plan your daily calories burned for example.

Resistance, length and diameter of wire calculator

With this calculator, you can calculate the resistance of the cable, knowing the material it is made of. You can also calculate the length of the conductor and the conductor diameter or the conductor cross-section area.

Octagon - diagonals, area, perimeter, sides

Octagon calculator will help you calculate the long diagonal of the octagon, the medium diagonal of the octagon, the shorter diagonal of the octagon, the side length, height, area of the octagon, circumference and radius of the circumscribed circle and the radius of the circle inscribed in the regular octagon.

Brick / block quantity calculator

The calculator is designed to calculate the amount of bricks or blocks needed. How many bricks do we need to build a wall of the given size, including wall openings and joints, how many bricks should we order, taking into account waste and what will be their weight.

Plaster quantity calculator

Thanks to this calculator, you can calculate how many bags we need and what weight of plaster will be needed to plaster the wall depending on its type and thickness of the applied layer.

ROT47 cipher - encoder / decoder

ROT47 cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a ROT47 cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Heart attack risk

Thanks to the calculator, you can use several factors to check the degree of risk of a heart attack in the next ten years.

Molecular weight of compounds and chemical elements.

Using the calculator you can calculate the molecular weight of any chemical compound.

Spelling words with the phonetic alphabet - converter, translator

Using this translator / converter you can quickly and easily check how to spell each word using the international (and not only) phonetic alphabet.

Interest coverage ratio - calculator

The calculator is used to calculate the coverage of bills by profit before paying off the tax bill.

Daily calories burned calculator

Thanks to the calculator, you can easily calculate the amount of calories you burn every day. There are over 600 different activities available, from which you can choose those that were or will be performed on a given day and set the duration for each selected activity.

As a result, the calculator will provide the total duration of all activities, the sum of calories burned and the number of calories consumed for each activity separately, including the time of its execution. The calculator also tells you how many hours you need to constantly perform a given activity to lose weight by about 0.5 kg, taking into account your weight.

Bifid cipher - encoder / decoder

Bifid cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Bifid cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Ventilation efficiency calculator in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen

With this calculator, we will find out what ventilation efficiency should have depending on the size, height and type of room, e.g. in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. The ventilation calculator will help us choose the right fan for the selected room, e.g. it will facilitate the selection of the hood for the kitchen.

Bacon cipher - encoder / decoder

Bacon cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Bacon cipher.

Life expectancy and actual age by health - calculator

The life expectancy and health age calculator will let you know your life expectancy. First of all, it will make you aware of what factors affect your life expectancy and your real age according to your health.

Online calculator