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Popular calculators

Burning calories

The calculator calculates how much energy we spend by performing selected activities within the given time. This can help you plan your daily calories burned for example.

CAPM (capital asset pricing model) CML form - valuation of capital assets

The CAPM calculator can be used to calculate the cost of equity, to evaluate the investment effectiveness of collective investment funds (open-end investment funds, pension funds, etc.), to study the efficiency of the stock market, etc.
The CAPM model allows to illustrate the relationship between the incurred systematic risk, otherwise known as market or non-diversifiable risk, and the expected rate of return.

The CAPM calculator in the form of CML allows you to calculate the expected rate of return from the so-called the effective portfolio (on the border of Markowitz's effective portfolios).

Heptagon - diagonals, area, perimeter, sides

Heptagon calculator will help you calculate the long diagonal of the heptagon, the short diagonal of the heptagon, the side length, heights, area of the heptagon, the radius of the circumscribed circle and the radius of the circle inscribed in a regular heptagon.

Vernam cipher - encoder / decoder

Vernam cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Vernam cipher.

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) - calculator

Thanks to the WACC calculator, we will calculate the average relative cost of capital employed in financing investments by the enterprise.
The weighted average cost of capital takes into account the diversification of the investment financing structure and the various costs of individual capital components, and indicates the average relative cost of the enterprise engaging a given capital.

Brick / block quantity calculator

The calculator is designed to calculate the amount of bricks or blocks needed. How many bricks do we need to build a wall of the given size, including wall openings and joints, how many bricks should we order, taking into account waste and what will be their weight.

Life expectancy and actual age by health - calculator

The life expectancy and health age calculator will let you know your life expectancy. First of all, it will make you aware of what factors affect your life expectancy and your real age according to your health.

Interest coverage ratio - calculator

The calculator is used to calculate the coverage of bills by profit before paying off the tax bill.

Equivalent weight of acid

Using this calculator you can calculate the weight equivalent of acid.

Kinetic energy calculator

With this calculator you can quickly calculate the kinetic energy of an object. You will also calculate mass from energy and velocity and speed given kinetic energy and mass.

Waist-hip ratio (WHR) calculator

The WHR calculator calculates the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference.
Thanks to the Talia-Hips calculator, we will find out what type of obesity we have, what is the risk of hypertension, coronary diseases, stroke, atherosclerosis and diabetes, and we will learn the average standard WHR for our gender and age.

Median of the interval distributive series

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the median of an interval distributive series from grouped data.

Density, mass, volume

With this calculator you can calculate the density of the substance, i.e. specific mass. The calculator will also help to determine the mass of the substance and the volume it occupies.

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) calculator

Using the calculator, you will calculate the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and the amount of calories needed to supplement, i.e. burned by the body while resting.

Quadratic function - product form - analysis

With this calculator you can perform a complete product form analysis of the quadratic function with explanations. The calculator will show you how to find the general form of a quadratic function from its product form. Moreover, it will determine the zeros of the function, its vertex coordinates, calculate the delta and present the canonical and general form of our function.

Trapezium - diagonals, area, perimeter, sides

Trapezium (trapezoid) calculator will help you calculate the long diagonal of the trapezium, the short diagonal of the trapezium, the side length, height, area and perimeter of the trapezium.

Daltons law of partial pressures

Using the calculator you can calculate the partial pressure according to Daltons law.

Molar concentration

Using this calculator you can calculate the molar concentration of the solution, ie the number of moles of a given chemical substance that contains 1 liter of solution.

Fraction calculator - subtracting fractions step by step with explanation

With the Fractions Calculator, you can subtract any two mixed numbers or proper and improper fractions.
Fractions Calculator will show you the result of operations on fractions step by step and will give you explanations of the operations performed to subtracting fractions. You will learn how to simplify fractions, how to find a common denominator, how to find the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor.

Bacon cipher - encoder / decoder

Bacon cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Bacon cipher.

Online calculator