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Popular calculators

Solving any systems with Cramer's Rule calculator

You can calculate step by step any system of linear equations, both homogeneous and inhomogeneous with any number of unknowns by the Cramer's method. As a result, in addition to the solution, you also get a complete analysis and presentation of calculations step by step.

Addition in columns

With this calculator you will learn how to add in columns. You can check if the addition you have made is correct

How much paint?

Thanks to this calculator, you can easily calculate the cost and the amount of paint needed to paint any room.

Child height in the future. Predicted Adult Height calculator

Height calculator will help you calculate what height your child will have in the future, ie when it stops growing. Predicted Adult Height

Profitability of investments: NPV (Net Present Value), PI (Profitability Index), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), DPP (Discounted Payback Period)

This calculator helps us check whether the planned investment will be profitable and whether the project should be accepted or rejected.
Thanks to the calculator, we can calculate:
NPV (Net Present Value) - sum of discounted net cash flows
PI (Profitability Index) - investment profitability
IRR (Internal Rate of Return) - internal rate of return
DPP (Discounted Payback Period) - discounted payback period
Value of discounted net cash flow for each period.

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) calculator

Using the calculator, you will calculate the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and the amount of calories needed to supplement, i.e. burned by the body while resting.

Matrix 2x2 calculator

Thanks to the mathematical calculator, you can easily calculate the determinant of the matrix, find the complement matrix, the transposed matrix, and the inverse matrix.

Calculator of reactive power from voltage and current

The reactive power calculator in AC circuits will help you easily calculate reactive power, voltage and current.

Plaster quantity calculator

Thanks to this calculator, you can calculate how many bags we need and what weight of plaster will be needed to plaster the wall depending on its type and thickness of the applied layer.

Body fat content - a method of measuring skin folds in 3 places

The Body Fat percentage calculator will help you calculate the amount of fat stored in your body. It uses a method of measuring skin folds in three different places on the body.

Average absolute deviation, or mean absolute deviation (MAD)

With this calculator you will calculate the average absolute deviation, or mean absolute deviation (MAD), of a data set is the average of the absolute deviations from a central point.

Leverage, Operating Leverage, Total Leverage, Gearing

The DFL Finacial Leverage Calculator will help us calculate how sensitive the cash flow is to changes in operating profit.
With the DOL Operating Leverage Calculator, we will calculate how sensitive operating revenues are to changes in sales. The DTL Total Leverage Calculator will help us calculate the profit sensitivity to sales growth.

Home heat loss calculator

This calculator is a complete tool to calculate the heat loss of your home Whit this calculator, we will find out what the heat losses are, e.g. through the ceiling, external walls, windows, floor in each room of our house, depending on the type of building material, number of layers, insulation and external temperature.

Circle - geometric figure

Thanks to the calculator, you can easily calculate the area of a circle, the circumference of a circle, the area of a circle segment and the length of the circle arc.

Four-square cipher - encoder / decoder

Four-square cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Four-square cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Child's blood group

You will calculate with fairly high accuracy the likelihood of your baby having a particular blood group.

Morse code translator, encoder-decoder

With the converter, you can quickly translate any sentence into Morse code and vice versa. You can listen to the translated code, see it thanks to the light signals or, using the phone, feel it through vibration. Morse code is used nowadays mainly in amateur radio, it is also useful in many other areas of life.

Playing with the recognition of color shades - an eye test.

The calculator is used to test your eyesight and recognize the difference in color shades. After clicking on the first lighter field, the calculator will change colors and the countdown will begin. Each test takes 15 seconds. Search for a lighter field and click on it. Each subsequent test is more difficult. The test will be aborted if you do not give the correct answer within 15 seconds or if you make a wrong choice three times.

Daily requirement for carbohydrates, proteins, fats.

Using the calculator, you can easily determine the daily need for carbohydrates, proteins and fats. As a result, the calculator will tell you how many calories and by weight you need per day and how many in each meal.

Time value of money (TVM) - present (PV) and future (FV) - calculator

The calculator helps you to calculate the present value of money (PV) and the future value of money (FV) in time.

Online calculator