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Popular calculators

Present value of investment (PV) - calculator

The PV calculator helps us to calculate the current value of an investment, i.e. the PV (present value). The PV calculator calculates the amount we need today to obtain the given value in the future after a certain number of years and calculating the interest due, assuming that they will be capitalized (added to the capital) with the specified frequency (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually) ie how much do you need today to get X in the future

Kinetic energy calculator

With this calculator you can quickly calculate the kinetic energy of an object. You will also calculate mass from energy and velocity and speed given kinetic energy and mass.

Molecular weight of compounds and chemical elements.

Using the calculator you can calculate the molecular weight of any chemical compound.

Daltons law of partial volume

Thanks to the calculator, you can calculate the partial volume according to Daltons law.

Smoking costs calculator

Calculate how much you spend smoking, so how much you could save after quitting smoking.

Percent concentration - volume

Using this calculator, you can calculate the volume percent concentration, also called the volume percentage of chemicals in mixtures and solutions.

Price, discount and discount rate of a treasury bill

This financial calculator will help you calculate the purchase or sale price of Treasury bills, the amount and the annual discount rate.

Waist-hip ratio (WHR) calculator

The WHR calculator calculates the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference.
Thanks to the Talia-Hips calculator, we will find out what type of obesity we have, what is the risk of hypertension, coronary diseases, stroke, atherosclerosis and diabetes, and we will learn the average standard WHR for our gender and age.

Daltons law of partial pressures

Using the calculator you can calculate the partial pressure according to Daltons law.

Arithmetic mean of the distribution point series (grouped data)

With this statistical calculator, you will learn how to calculate the arithmetic mean of a distribution point series (grouped data).

Pentagon - diagonals, area, perimeter, sides

Pentagon calculator will help you calculate the long diagonal of the pentagon, the medium diagonal of the pentagon, the shorter diagonal of the pentagon, the side length, height, area of the pentagon, circumference and radius of the circumscribed circle and the radius of the circle inscribed in the regular pentagon.

Average absolute deviation, or mean absolute deviation (MAD)

With this calculator you will calculate the average absolute deviation, or mean absolute deviation (MAD), of a data set is the average of the absolute deviations from a central point.

Bike size and bike frame size calculator

The calculator will help you choose the size of the bike, bike frame, wheel size depending on the type of bike, your height, leg length or age.

Interest coverage ratio - calculator

The calculator is used to calculate the coverage of bills by profit before paying off the tax bill.

Body fat content - a method of measuring skin folds in 3 places

The Body Fat percentage calculator will help you calculate the amount of fat stored in your body. It uses a method of measuring skin folds in three different places on the body.

Ventilation efficiency calculator in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen

With this calculator, we will find out what ventilation efficiency should have depending on the size, height and type of room, e.g. in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. The ventilation calculator will help us choose the right fan for the selected room, e.g. it will facilitate the selection of the hood for the kitchen.

Mode of the series of distributing class intervals

Online calculator calculates the mode of series of distributing class intervals. You learn how to find the Modal value for a grouped data with different intervals between the data classes.

Number of breaths and heartbeats - calculator

The calculator will calculate the estimated number of heartbeats and breaths you have given since birth.

Voltage drop calculator for single-phase and three-phase circuits

With this calculator you will calculate the voltage drops for single-phase and three-phase AC circuits calculated from active power. You will also calculate cable length, conductor diameter, conductor cross-sectional area, phase or line voltage or active power.

Square - geometric figure

Thanks to the calculator, you can easily calculate the area of a square, the side of the square, the diagonal of the square, the radius of the circle inscribed and described on the square.

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