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Popular calculators

Timer 555 Monostable, Astable - Output pulse duration calculator

Using this calculator, you will calculate the pulse duration of the output pulse of the NE555 IC in monostable or astable mode of operation.

Fraction calculator - multiplying fractions step by step with explanation

With the Fractions Calculator, you can multiplying any two mixed numbers or proper and improper fractions.
Fractions Calculator will show you the result of operations on fractions step by step and will give you explanations of the operations performed to multiplying fraction. You will learn how to simplify fractions, how to find a common denominator, how to find the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor.

ROT13 cipher - encoder / decoder

ROT13 cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a ROT13 cipher. You can use any shift and additionally a key for more precise text encoding.

Square - geometric figure

Thanks to the calculator, you can easily calculate the area of a square, the side of the square, the diagonal of the square, the radius of the circle inscribed and described on the square.

Kinetic energy calculator

With this calculator you can quickly calculate the kinetic energy of an object. You will also calculate mass from energy and velocity and speed given kinetic energy and mass.

Bacon cipher - encoder / decoder

Bacon cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Bacon cipher.

Cone - volume, area, generatrix, radius of base

The cone calculator will help you calculate the volume of the cone, the total area of the cone, the side area of the cone, the base area of the cone, the generatrix length and the radius of the cone base, and the volume of the sphere described on the cone.

Assessment of readiness to lose weight

Did you know that proper preparation is an essential factor in losing weight successfully? This test will not only help you answer the question of whether you have a chance of successful weight loss, but it will also indicate the factors that are necessary in preparation for this process.

Text analyzer, number of words, number of letters, number of lines

Thanks to the calculator you can calculate the number of letters, the number of words, the number of characters and the number of paragraphs in any text.

AtBash cipher - encoder / decoder

AtBash cipher online encoder and decoder. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a AtBash cipher.

How to convert cat age to human age? Cat age calculator

How to convert cat's age into human's age? How old is a cat in human years? How long does a cat live? Cat Age Calculator can help you with these and other questions. By giving the cat's age, we will find out how old he would be if he were a human. We can also check what age a cat would be at our age.

Langevin function calculator

With the Langevin trigonometric function calculator you can calculate the values of the function. In addition to the response results, the calculator will also plot the selected function. You can choose a ready function, e.g. L(x) or enter your own function, e.g. L(x^2), L(x+3) etc.

Nicotine addiction calculator

Check to what extent you are addicted to nicotine.

COSINE calculator

With the COSINE Trigonometric Calculator you can calculate the values of any cosine function. In addition to the response results, the calculator will also plot the selected function. You can choose one of the preset functions, e.g. cosine, cos 2 - cosine square, arccos - arccosine, cosh - hyperbolic cosine, arcosh - function inverse to cosh, you can also enter your own function, e.g. cos(x ) * cos(x) * cos(x) for cos3(x), cos(2x), cos(x+3), cos(x^2) etc.

Equivalent weight of acid

Using this calculator you can calculate the weight equivalent of acid.

Heart attack risk

Thanks to the calculator, you can use several factors to check the degree of risk of a heart attack in the next ten years.

Storm distance, lightning distance calculator. How far is the storm?

How far is the storm? How close is lightning? Is the storm looming or is it moving away? Surely everyone has asked themselves such questions. That is why we have created a lightning distance calculator with which you can easily check it.

Brick / block quantity calculator

The calculator is designed to calculate the amount of bricks or blocks needed. How many bricks do we need to build a wall of the given size, including wall openings and joints, how many bricks should we order, taking into account waste and what will be their weight.

Geometric mean calculator

With this calculator you will calculate the geometric mean, also called the power mean of the zero order.

Sight Test - Ishihara Charts - Color Blindness calculator

Use the Ishihara test to check if you suffer from color blindness, to what extent your defect is Protanopia or Deuteranopia, or maybe just insufficient differentiation between red and green shades. As a result, in addition to the diagnosis, you will have the opportunity to check how each of the Ishihara plates is seen by people with various visual impairments, and if you have a defect, they will allow you to see what is on the plates.

Online calculator